“We have not had the opportunity to converse extensively,” Jayce remarked curtly. His sleep deprivation appeared to render him more irritable than usual. Molly was excessively fatigued to be concerned.
“Indeed, Colton appears to be lingering nearby, awaiting your awakening,” Beckham remarked, seemingly entertained. Jayce cast him a scornful glance, causing the amusement to vanish from his expression.
Molly expressed her desire to converse with him promptly. She declined to waver when he directed his ominous gaze towards her. “He has exhibited kindness towards me during my time here.”
“I am certain he has,” Jayce stated monotonously. “Retrieve him for her, Beckham. She has just awakened from a two-day coma, yet her sole desire is to see him.”
Molly opened her mouth to protest, but swiftly shut it. It was not worth her defence. She was prohibited from disputing with a prince, regardless of their distance from the palace. She believed a portion of her would perpetually think like a maid; perhaps that was all she would ever become. A burgeoning aspect of her desired to assert herself to him, yet she compelled that facet to remain subdued.
Beckham surveyed both individuals before exiting the door. Jayce paced the room, deliberately avoiding her gaze. Her gaze tracked his taut figure while she silently groomed her nails.
Molly enquired, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room, “Did you obtain the answers we sought?”
“No,” was all he articulated.
Molly attempted to elevate herself further and groaned in discomfort. It felt warm indoors despite the external temperature being below freezing. It was the first occasion she experienced anything other than excruciating cold since her arrival. If he were absent from the room, she would discard the heavy blankets and recline on the cool floor for relief.
Jayce seized an additional pillow from across the room and marched towards her. Molly attempted to distance herself from him, but her limbs were unresponsive. He grasped her arm more delicately than she anticipated and leaned her forward before positioning the pillow behind her back to facilitate a more upright seating posture.
Molly expressed her gratitude in a whisper. He remained silent and resumed pacing the room.
Minutes elapsed as though they were hours. Colton ultimately entered the room, followed closely by Beckham. His compassionate eyes were engulfed in concern as he gazed at her, holding a basket brimming with food that still emitted warmth. Molly experienced simultaneous sensations of starvation and lack of hunger. She recognised her body’s necessity for sustenance, yet she questioned how she could proceed when her body seemed to surrender.
“Molly, I am delighted to see you conscious.” He approached her bedside, and unexpectedly, Jayce appeared as well. Colton cast a fleeting glance at Jayce before setting the basket of food beside her. “I presumed you might be famished; the main kitchen has prepared this for you. How do you feel?”
“Thank you, Colton. I sincerely appreciate it. Do not concern yourself with me; I will be fine,” Molly stated. Jayce audaciously snorted, but Colton disregarded him and merely smiled at Molly. “I believed it would be beneficial for the two of you to meet formally.”
Colton straightened his posture and flashed an engaging smile at Jayce while extending his hand. “It is a pleasure, Prince. It is time we meet in a more formal manner.”
Jayce looked at his hand with a hint of disdain. He grasped his hand firmly and delivered a vigorous shake before releasing it. Colton appeared unfazed; he positioned himself on the edge of Molly’s bed, prompting Jayce to narrow his eyes at the proximity between Colton and Molly.
“I was unaware of the proximity you developed with the leader of the rogues,” Jayce remarked.
Colton remarked with a playful grin, “Molly’s delightful personality is difficult to overlook.” Molly contemplated whether he was aware of his irritation towards Jayce. He may have been intentionally teasing him—Molly had never encountered anyone audacious enough to do so. “I cannot fault you for ravaging villages on her behalf.”
“I would not have needed to if you had simply informed me of her location.”
Colton nonchalantly shrugged. “I did not decide to disclose her location.”
Jayce inhaled sharply and folded his arms across his wide chest. Did the notion of Colton providing Molly with options disturb him? It was glaringly evident that her opinions and choices held significantly greater importance in this context. For the inaugural occasion in her existence.
“I was impressed to observe that you had captured our prizes during the full moon.” Colton removed a piece of lint from his sleeve. “How did you discover their actions?”
“I extracted it from them,” Jayce stated succinctly. His gaze shifted to Molly.
“Hmm, I presume you still desire a reward?” Colton enquired, tilting his head with curiosity.
“We can address that at a later time. I would have dismantled them regardless of your proposal.”
Molly repositioned herself and observed the food beside her. It emitted a delightful aroma, yet she lacked the vitality to consume it. “Colton has graciously permitted me to reside here -”
“Indeed, he was quite benevolent in orchestrating your abduction,” Beckham remarked from across the room. Colton did not even cast a glance in his direction. A new sense of anger crossed Jayce’s face as he remembered.
“Those who defied my directives have been addressed. Label us as you wish, but we do not abduct and torment innocent girls.”
“You could have deceived me,” Jayce growled.