“What a courageous puppy we have here,” the rogues mock. “Are you not aware that we possess this territory?”Rogue Number 2
“When did a scoundrel such as yourself acquire land?” “Depart from my presence before I reconsider and harm you,” I stated.
“You promiscuous individual!””
He ought to have struck me, but Zayn seized his hand and contorted it. A fracture was audible, and the rogue screamed in agony. All eyes are upon us now.
“Should you harm my girl, I will not spare your life, rogue.” I am currently exercising consideration due to the presence of numerous individuals.” Zayn’s eyes are now gleaming. His wolf exhibits its strength.
“Hmmmmm, MY GIRL, what a phrase,” Rylee jests.
Why? Are you prepared to relinquish your true partner for Zayn now? I have no issue with that. This causes her to remain silent. Despite our animosity towards our partner, we remain steadfastly loyal to them. “Zayn has not yet found his mate, and when he does, he will forget the feelings he harbours for us,” I stated to her.
Indeed, you are correct. It is to be hoped that the girl does not resemble our acquaintance.
“I hope so,” I stated.
The rogues departed and rejoined their companions.
I grasped Zayn’s hand to soothe him. I do not wish for him to abruptly metamorphose into his wolf form in this location. The majority of individuals present are human beings.
Zayn stated, “Had we remained in the pack, those rogues would be deceased by now.”
“Please remain composed.””
“Let us conclude our meal and depart before I genuinely lose my temper.” – Zayn.
“Affirmative, Beta,” we all responded.
We are currently resting at the hotel we observed. It is amusing that they have only three bedrooms available, each containing two single beds. We must disseminate. Lea and Enzo, being companions, occupied the initial room. Aden and Zayn are in the adjacent room while I remain solitary in my own room.
After showering, I reclined on the bed, contemplating the events of the following day, when I heard a knock at my door.
I opened it and observed Zayn transporting food and wine.
“May I enter?””
“The bribe is acceptable, thus you may enter.”
I opened the door and permitted him to sit on the couch in my room, where he organised his belongings.
“What is the purpose of your visit and what is the reason for possessing wine?””
I believe it may be necessary for you. Tomorrow, you will undoubtedly experience stress regarding the prospect of conversing with your partner and family.
“Zayn, you truly understand me despite our mere two years together,” I remarked while seizing the bottle of wine. However, prior to opening it, I relinquished it instantly. Zayn’s timely intervention prevented it from falling to the ground.
“Callie?” What is the reason?”
“It is occurring once more.” I experience anguish in my heart again. Spencer is engaged in an activity once more.
Zayn approached me and lifted me onto the bed.
“Recline initially; I will assist you.”
He abruptly kissed me. Callie and I were both astonished by the incident, yet the discomfort gradually subsided. I reciprocated the kiss, nearly losing control when Zayn withdrew. We exchanged glances, unvoiced sentiments evident in his eyes.
“I apologise, Callie, we ought to cease.” Zayn stated, “I do not want you to experience regret afterward.”
I was unable to respond, so I simply embraced him.
“Is it possible for us to remain in this state?” “Simply rest here for the night,” I stated.
“Alright, approach me.” He positioned my head on his chest and caressed my hair.
“Why is it not possible for the two of us?” “I hope we are true companions,” he stated.
I refrained from responding, yet embraced him. I do not wish to oppose the Moon Goddess’s plan for my life, yet at times I feel compelled to enquire as to why.
Rylee Callie
“We are now entering the territory of the Moon Crescent Pack,” I communicated via mind link.
We reached the Pack house thirty minutes later.
The initial individual to emerge and greet us was the beta of their pack. And he … He is my elder brother. Callum Brodie. My heartbeat accelerated upon witnessing him… BROTHER.
“You are likely members of the Wolf Fang pack,” Callum stated.
“We are, are you the Alpha?” “I am Zayn, Beta of the Wolf Fang pack.” Zayn extended his hand to my brother, who accepted it with a smile directed at us.
“I am Callum, the Beta of the Moon Crescent pack.” Alpha Spencer will join us later; he is currently occupied.
Callum had just spoken when Spencer abruptly emerged from within the Pack house. It is likely that he sensed my presence and detected my scent, which is why he is approaching now. I believed he was occupied. I smiled smugly.
“Are you returning?”He stated while gazing directly at me.
“To whom are you referring, Alpha?”Callum enquired.
I neglected to remember that I remained seated on my motorbike while still donning my helmet.
You may not have immediately recognised Callum due to her altered appearance and distinct scent, as he is now part of a different pack. “However, sense it; I believe you will identify what I am alluding to,” Spencer remarked.
“To expedite the process, I will introduce myself.” I gradually removed my helmet and confronted the two of them. “Greetings, I am Rylee Callie from the Wolf Fang pack.” It is a pleasure to see you again, Beta Callum and Alpha Spencer; it has been some time. “I remarked with a smile directed at them.
I observed Callum’s astonishment upon recognising me. He gradually approached me; however, Zayn, who is highly protective like Mark, intervened before he could reach me.
“What gives you the authority to obstruct my relationship with my sister?”Callum exclaimed.
“Sister?” I am aware of all your actions towards her during her time here, and I will not permit you to harm her again. Zayn stated, “Her presence here is solely due to training; thereafter, she will depart with us,” while maintaining direct eye contact with my brother.