“I appreciate the way you pronounce my name while I engage in this.” He remarked as he persisted in stimulating my warmth and nibbling my c******s.
I can no longer think clearly. I have never desired anything more from him previously, but at this moment, I wish to relish him as well. I desire to experience him within my mouth.
I sense my accumulation intensifying. I believe Spencer is aware of it as well. He accelerates increasingly. I vocalise audibly as I experience o****m.
“AH SPENCER!”I vocalise audibly.
Spencer licks my fluids before ascending to kiss me. I experience my essence in his mouth. I perceive his groin pressing against my abdomen. I wish to participate as well. I desire to bring him to o****m.
I grasp him and position my body over him.
What are you engaged in, Callie?”Spencer enquires.
“I wish to attempt this.” I descend and grasp his groin. This is my initial experience, and I remain uncertain about my actions. I implored, “Do not be disheartened.”
I shall not experience disappointment. “Merely observing you, coupled with your embrace, incites an immediate desire within me,” Spencer remarked.
I lower my lips and kiss the tip of his groin. I perceive that it has become more challenging, if that is feasible. I raise and lower my hands and simultaneously move my mouth in the same manner. I perceive Spencer growling while I persist in my activity. I proceed rapidly until I hear him utter an expletive.
He seizes my head while he begins to thrust in and out of my mouth. I nearly vomited, but I restrained myself. He accelerates increasingly, penetrating deeper until he strikes my throat, subsequently withdrawing and repositioning me beneath him. He kisses me while engaging in self-stimulation. His other hand is occupied caressing my b****t. He situates himself above my c******s, and his arms make contact with it as he moves vertically. It causes me to feel warmth once more.
“Spencer, if you persist in that, I may climax once more,” I articulated between kisses.
“That is my intention,” Spencer responded.
He lowers his lips to my mark and bites it once more. A wave of heat travels from my neck to my chest. I cannot refrain from vocalising as I grasp his nape to deepen his bite.
I sense myself regaining momentum.
“Spencer, I am about to climax once more.”
“I am also going to climax.” He accelerates until we both reach o****m. He ejaculates onto my abdomen while kissing me fervently.
We are both breathing heavily as he collapses beside me. He seized his shirt at the side and wiped his semen on my body. Upon completing the cleaning, he embraced me, and we both succumbed to slumber.
He is articulating a statement, but I am too fatigued to attend to it.
I awoke the following day without Spencer beside me.
I detect an odour in the kitchen. He is possibly preparing our breakfast. I went to the loo and cleansed myself. I can still sense Spencer’s presence surrounding me. Upon completion, I proceeded to the kitchen to observe Spencer’s culinary endeavours.
“Ah, you are now conscious.” Let us proceed to dine. I prepared bacon and eggs. “I also prepared coffee for both of us,” Spencer stated. He appears enthusiastic. An individual is in a positive disposition. I spoke to myself.
At what time are we departing?I enquired.
“Upon completing our breakfast, we shall return.” What is the reason? Would you like to remain for a while longer?”
“Negative, merely inquiring.” I must also contact Mark. I must provide him with my reports regarding the training.
He failed to respond. I will contact Mark to inform him of my decision to remain with the Moon Crescent pack. I do not wish to disclose it to Spencer at this time. I wish to astonish him.
He remained silent until we finished eating. I volunteer to wash the dishes so he can shower before we depart. He remained silent and proceeded directly to the room to shower.
We returned silently to the pack. He was exiting the vehicle when I halted him.
“Spencer?” What is the issue?I enquired.
“Nothing.” Let us enter. Callum is incessantly attempting to contact me, but I am obstructing him. “There may be an urgent matter occurring,” he elucidated.
“Understood.” “By the way,” I pull him closer and kiss him, “Thank you for yesterday.” “I found it enjoyable,” I stated before exiting the vehicle.Spencer was momentarily astonished before exiting the vehicle as well.
As we were about to enter the pack house, the door abruptly opened, and a girl I recognised rushed to Spencer and kissed him.
“Darling!” Where have you been located?”
‘BELOVED? What on earth?Rylee and I simultaneously exclaimed.