I snarled at him.
How audacious of him to interrupt me and Mark. I remain incensed by his actions.
What is the significance of this? What is the reason for your embrace with my companion?Spencer exclaimed! His eyes are now shining. Asher is also unhappy.
“Companion?”Mark directed his gaze towards me, then to Zayn, and subsequently to Spencer. I was unaware that my friend Spencer is your companion. What an ironic turn of events. I believed the foolish individual who rejected you was merely a random member here. “I did not anticipate him being Spencer,” Mark stated.
“Could you please leave us, Spencer?” Mark and I possess numerous topics for discussion. “This pertains to Wolf Fang,” I stated.
“Engage in conversation?” I observed you embracing, and then you enquired about conversation? Are you jesting?“Spencer stated.”
He has significantly irritated me.
I was on the verge of striking him when Mark seized my hand.
“Rylee Callie, what did I instruct you?” “I instructed you to manage your anger,” Mark stated.
I gazed at him and averted my back to Spencer. “I apologise, Alpha,” I stated.
I heard Spencer growl once more, but I disregarded him.
“Could you please leave Spencer and me alone?” “We must address certain issues,” Mark commanded.
“However, what is the rationale?” It is imperative that you take a break. “The physician stated that you require rest,” I lamented.
“I am well, Callie.” Proceed to cleanse yourself. “You appear disheveled,” Mark remarked.
I embraced him once more and kissed him on the cheeks. Spencer snarled, and I responded with a growl. Mark is the paramount individual in my life.
“Uplift your spirits, Callie.” Zayn stated, “They are merely conversing.”
“He is entirely to blame!” “I assure you, I will confront him following my issue with Mark,” I stated. “And you, Rylee, we shall discuss your recent actions,” I remarked to my wolf. She remained silent and refrained from disputing with me.
“I am well, Callie.” Proceed to cleanse yourself. I remarked, “You appear dishevelled.”
She embraced and kissed me prior to her departure. I must confront Spencer now. We must rectify the situation. I desire my beloved Callie to find happiness, even if it necessitates her departure from my pack.
Upon sensing the gradual deterioration of our bond, I became anxious. Images of her misfortune continually flash through my mind. I cannot afford to lose her as well. She resembles my younger sister. I became fond of her the moment I saw her in the forest. I observed my younger sister in her.
I believe the Moon Goddess bestowed her upon me due to my state of disorientation; I am also enraged by the circumstances that have transpired in my life. Callie illuminates my moments of despair, and I wish to reciprocate that kindness. I must assist her in her healing process.
I observed Spencer gazing at me.
“What is the reason?”I enquired.
“She is in close proximity to you.” My wolf and I experience jealousy.
“Do not misconstrue it.” Callie is akin to my sister. She is intimately connected to me and my group. She is exceptionally kind and compassionate, unless she is angered. Spencer, you must rectify the situation. Although I despise you for previously causing her pain, I believe Callie’s well-being would improve if you two reconciled. She requires affection and safeguarding. You witnessed her immense power. She possesses exceptional talent. Numerous malevolent individuals may exploit her or abduct her from our midst.
I will prevent that from occurring. “I shall safeguard my mate,” Spencer declared.
“How can you achieve that if she is unwilling to be with you?” It appears that you marked her without obtaining her consent. That is a remarkably audacious decision. She may harbour animosity towards you indefinitely. You deprived her of a choice.
“I have limited self-control now.” She threatens to dismiss me; hence, I noted her behaviour. She is exceedingly obstinate. She becomes enraged rapidly and nearly harmed one of my pack members.
“It belongs to her wolf.” Rylee is establishing a bond with Callie. She is a highly dominant and formidable wolf. She possesses greater power than all of us. I am unsure if you are familiar with the legend of the White and Black Wolf. Rylee is the white wolf from the legend. If the rival pack uncovers this, you will face consequences. They will desire her.
“As I previously stated, Asher and I shall safeguard our mate.”
“Then organise your performance.” This is not the method to capture her affection. She is distinct from the girl you previously knew. Exercise caution prior to her decision to depart from you once more. She is capable of accomplishing that, even if you are her companion.
Spencer gradually seated himself in the chair adjacent to me. He is currently in a predicament. He acknowledges that I am correct. It also pains me to assist her, as I am aware that I must ultimately release Callie. She is now the Luna. She must remain within this pack.
What actions should I take?He implored me earnestly.
I recall perusing her diary previously. It was an inadvertent occurrence. I was unaware that it is hers. She placed her ideal partner and her perfect date there. It may assist Spencer in winning her affection.
“This is what you will do,” I instructed him, detailing every aspect I gleaned from Callie’s diary. I anticipate its efficacy. I lack experience in dating and love, as my partner died before me at the moment we met. Regrettably, it is a fact. My sister and friend passed away a long time ago.
I ought to depart now. Thank you for your assistance, Mark, and please refrain from repeating that behaviour. Spencer remarked, “Callie will undoubtedly be distressed if something unfortunate occurs to you.”
“Please disregard my presence; focus solely on ensuring her happiness.” “If you harm her again, despite her being your mate, I will expel him from your pack, even if it necessitates severing ties and waging war.” I stated resolutely. I am not the type of person who engages in humour.