“I understand, but we cannot simply eliminate her.” Recall Mark’s admonition to us; we must manage our anger.
She warrants my ire. “I will kill her.” – Rylee.
“Not at this moment, allow me to manage this.”
I will be observing. I assure you, should anything occur to you, I will not falter in eliminating anyone here who attempts to impede me.
Affirmative. Remain composed, Rylee.
“Kaia, you have consistently exploited the circumstances surrounding my parents to inflict pain upon me.” I endured everything solely to avoid causing trouble and to prevent exacerbating the pain you inflict upon me.” Suddenly, I advanced and seized her by the nape, drawing her face near to mine. If you do not cease this behaviour, I may be compelled to act and inflict harm upon your face. <text”I caution you,” I stated before I shoved her aside.
“You are merely envious of me due to my popularity,” Kaia stated.
“Such as?” Are you jesting? “Perhaps it is due to the fact that everyone has experienced you.” Others in our vicinity laughed, primarily those who had engaged in s****l relations with her and the girls who had been heartbroken because she had been intimate with their partners.
“I recall that you witnessed Spencer and me kissing in the hallway before you abruptly vanished.” Do not inform me that you have an affinity for Alpha Spencer. My goodness, Callie! “It will not occur, even in your futile dreams.” The women surrounding us laughed at me this time.
A sudden recollection of events from two years prior emerged. The anguish, the treachery, the repudiation.
“Such as?” Your statements are misguided, Kaia. I am quite averse to your so-called “Alpha,” I stated.
“Indeed?” You are likely imagining that Alpha Spencer is kissing you. Even you indulge in fantasies —
Kaia did not complete her statement when I abruptly assaulted her. I struck her in the side, seized her by the nape, and brought her to the ground. She fought and clawed at me, yet I no longer experienced any discomfort. I am extremely displeased with her. I lifted her and hurled her towards the adjacent tree. I grasped her hand and fractured it. Onlookers gasped, and Zayn implored me to cease, yet I disregarded his plea. I gazed at him and challenged him to impede me.
He possesses considerable knowledge. He is unable to impede me. Only Mark is capable.
I was on the verge of strangling her when Spencer abruptly shielded her by pulling her behind him. I gazed into his eyes.
How audacious of him to defend his paramour! You are irrational, Spencer! You are defending the woman who harmed your companion. This is utterly absurd. I am devastated by the situation before me.
“Release me.” Rylee.
This time, I acted without hesitation. I will allow Rylee to handle them.
I can sense Rylee’s energy emanating from my body. I shut my eyes and relinquished complete control of my body to her. She exerted considerable energy and strength. This is the first instance in which I experience this type of power emanating from her.
“Kneel,” Rylee instructed.
With a single word, all individuals promptly prostrate themselves on the ground. All are subject to Rylee’s power, save for one, our mate.
Spencer appeared astonished by the occurrence. Even the Wolf Fang pack prostrated themselves on the ground.
“It appears you are preserving your prostitute, Asher Spencer Archer,” Rylee remarked.
“R-Rylee?” Kindly compose yourself. “Let us discuss this,” Spencer stated.
“Do you believe this matter can be deliberated?” Depart from my presence, Spencer. I will eliminate that individual.
“Rylee, that action is impermissible.” Spencer stated, “There is a rule: if you kill her, we have no choice but to kill you as well.”
“Then execute me; I urge all of you to attempt it.” Observe them; they are already subservient to my authority. “You are fortunate, Spencer, exceedingly fortunate not to be kneeling at this moment,” Rylee remarked with a sinister smile directed at him. Rylee liberates all individuals under her control.
She is poised to strike when Spencer restrains her.
“Callum, remove Kaia from this location immediately.”
No! I will eliminate that individual. “Allow me to leave,” Rylee stated, attempting to extricate herself from Spencer’s grasp.
“Cease this, Rylee.” “You ought to compose yourself,” Spencer remarked.
Rylee contorted and struck Spencer’s feet. He abruptly released his grip, but he drew Rylee into his embrace and thrust her to the ground. Rylee assaulted him; she headbutted Spencer’s face and pushed him. Spencer attempted to embrace her once more, but an individual emerged.
“Rylee, it is I, Asher.”
Rylee halted, and we gazed at Asher.
Asher is the wolf of Spencer.
“Release me.” Rylee shoved Asher aside.
“All individuals, evacuate immediately!”Asher commanded.
He utilised his Alpha power, and within a minute, no one remained in the vicinity. I observed my pack mates departing alongside the others.
“Rylee, I disapprove of Spencer’s actions towards you.” “Please do not harbour anger towards me as well,” Asher stated.
“You are my companion Asher; you are expected to safeguard me, yet you failed to do so.” “You have rejected us,” Rylee stated.
I did not. I attempted to exit, but Spencer restrained me. “On the day you depart, I also forsook Spencer,” Asher stated.
Rylee paused, uncertain of her response.
“Allow Callie to take control; she and Spencer need to converse.” “They must resolve this issue,” Asher stated.
“It is challenging to forget and reconcile with both of you once more.” You have caused us pain. “I will release you now, but I assure you, Callie is not so feeble as to relinquish you both effortlessly,” Rylee stated before releasing my body.