However, her daughter possessed sufficient intelligence to comprehend everything, despite being confined to her room immediately following the incident. She was prohibited from engaging in combat or assisting her pack.
She desired to engage in combat; but, her father prohibited her due to his apprehension that her misfortune would result in their downfall. He instructed her to remain confined to her room. She had no alternative but to comply with him.
Talia sensed the apprehension in her mother’s gaze. Her mother had evidently not abandoned her; thus, the motive for her departure was altogether different.
The silence that ensued after hours of cursing was not filled with jubilation for her group, but rather with the melancholic sorrow of their defeat. Luna Mabel’s quiet, her trepidation regarding the war’s fate, and her directive for her youngest daughter to depart the pack could only signify one conclusion: the Sardinia Moon Pack had been defeated.
“What is the status of my brother?” Talia asked about her twin brother. Mabel had not mentioned him even once. He had allied with the group in the conflict. Talia perceived a veil of animosity in her mother’s gaze when she enquired about him. She drew her body nearer to her mother, who had become motionless and rigid as she clutched her arms.
“Mother, where is Liam?” She wept upon the realisation of his death. Her sibling had passed away. Luna Mabel desired to ensure the safety of both her daughters. She had implored them to escape. They had slain her brother, who was entirely blameless.
Talia asserted, “I will not flee like a coward,” as she discarded her luggage and returned her clothing to the cupboard.
“What are you doing?” Her mother endeavoured to dissuade her.
“Indeed, we were defeated in the battle, and my son perished!” He is responsible for initiating this dreadful war. The Luna conceded, “Our demise is now inevitable.” Mabel’s remarks adequately conveyed her indignation and distress. Her youngest kid had become the catalyst for their pack’s downfall.
“What is the reason for attributing blame to Liam?” Talia experienced confusion.
Your brother attempted to violate a woman’s purity; she belonged to the Sothis Star Pack. He ultimately murdered her. Mabel disclosed the truth she had concealed from her daughter: “I still cannot fathom that your brother is such a monster.”
The Sardinia Moon Pack maintained a protracted rivalry with the Sothis Star Pack, which their forebears chose to overlook for the greater good. Although they remained in a cold war with that pack, they were neither adversaries nor allies; violence and hostility abated. Despite the animosity and resentment between the two packs, Liam and his companions had slain an innocent female from the opposing pack.
Liam was apprehensive about his father’s anger following the commission of the act. He attempted to obscure his scandal from all, but he was taken by surprise when the Sothis Star Pack assaulted them within a few hours. Liam was the initial casualty of the assault; he perished instantly. The Sardinia Moon Pack began the conflict and was subsequently defeated by the Sothis Star Pack’s strength.
“What?” Talia covered her mouth in fear upon discovering her brother’s terrifying dark side. Liam was merely a few minutes her senior. During the brief hours of intense conflict, she had misinterpreted it as an effort by adversaries to regain their land; however, it ultimately proved to be a struggle for honour.
This conflict stemmed from the wrath of the young female’s father. Regrettably, the girl was also the Alpha’s cousin, which incited his fury. All justifications for the Sothis Star Pack’s aggression were valid. However, I cannot permit both of my daughters to succumb alongside us. “Our destiny is determined, yet I will safeguard my daughter’s,” her mother declared, trying to dissuade her from unpacking her garments.
“What do you anticipate I should do, Mother?” How could I reconcile with myself if I abandoned you all to perish? How would I continue to exist knowing that my parents and pack are deceased? Is it not true that family is meant to remain united regardless of circumstances, as you have consistently instructed me? What is the necessity for my departure? “If we are to perish, I wish to partake in this as well.” She wiped away her mother’s tears.
Mabel cherished her delightful daughter, who retained all that she had imparted to her. Despite their defeat in the struggle against the formidable pack and the imminent approach of death, she was unwilling to forsake them. Although she had spent her entire life in a realm of injustice.
“The circumstances were distinct in the past, but they have evolved, Talia,” she softly grasped her hand.
“Although we may currently lack the capacity to defend anyone, I cannot bear to witness any further loss of my children.” “You must escape before they assault this packhouse,” her mother fixed her gaze onto her, emphasising the gravity of the situation. They had already endured conflicts, but this time it was overwhelming. They had already lost fifty percent of the pack members.
Talia asserted, “I am still not going.”
“Why are you not heeding my words?” “You are departing, and that concludes the matter,” Luna Mabel declared, having reached her limit, as she struck her defiant daughter across the face to jolt her back to reality. This was not the moment to become emotional and make a sacrifice for those who had never shown concern for her. Her worth would never be acknowledged, regardless of her actions.
“Would you have heeded my advice if you were in my situation and I urged you to abandon Dad, Lena, Tony, this pack, and me to flee?” Luna Mabel was taken aback by her daughter’s inquiry. She desired her to be distressed as it was her inaugural instance of striking her. She was not her father’s favoured daughter, however she had not endured physical mistreatment. Talia’s straightforward question left the elder woman at a loss for words.