The most notable packs, along with several larger ones, convened with the Sothis Star Pack for the funeral and burial ceremonies to express their sympathies. The situation rapidly declined due to newly revealed knowledge regarding his cousin’s murder; Lucas was compelled to make independent decisions.
As Lucas’s tolerance approached its limits, it transitioned from annoyance to anger, then
He erupted with volcanic intensity. Jason experienced the repercussions of Lucas’s emotional instability and his wolf’s loss of control. Jason advised Lucas to maintain composure, while being unaware of the underlying issue. The cause for their meeting was Lucas’s melancholy.
Subsequently, Leo and David positioned their vehicles in an unoccupied field distant from the roadway. The four men exited, and David retrieved chicken and beer for everyone.
What transpired subsequent to the funeral? Jason posed a question.
“I discovered that one of Alpha Matt’s sons was implicated in Lilly’s assault,” Lucas disclosed.
“What?” Jason snarled, gripping the beer bottle more firmly.
Several months prior, Alpha Matt proposed his daughter’s hand in marriage to Lucas. Lucas resolutely rejected the proposal, aware of her intense affection for him. He disparaged the prostitute when she attempted to make contact with him at a mixed pack gathering. Lucas abhorred promiscuous women, and she unequivocally fit that description.
“Indeed, that individual effectively concealed his identity, yet he was unable to disprove David’s evidence.” I attempted to provide him an opportunity to confess to his wrongdoing, yet he persisted in his deceit.
At that time, he endeavoured to malign Lilly. At that juncture, recognising his culpability in the offence was inconsequential, as his punishment would have been death; so, I terminated him.” Lucas’s muscles tensed as he elucidated the circumstances.
The imbecile had the guts to attend his victim’s funeral. Alpha Matt persisted in safeguarding and defending his son. Ultimately, Lucas and his wolf Evy obtain retribution for the egregious offences perpetrated. They terminated the life of Alpha Matt’s son and proclaimed their pack as adversaries of the Sothis Star Pack.
“Nevertheless, this cannot be the exclusive rationale for your irritable disposition. Did anything else occur? Jason asked, observing Lucas’s frown. David, who had remained at the funeral with Lucas throughout, understood that the impending news would distress Jason, just as it had Lucas.
Aunt Diana and Uncle Lucas have resolved to depart from our pack permanently.
“What?” Jason emitted a growl.
“They presented the request in the presence of all the family and guests.” I endeavoured to convince them that their sorrow would subside and that they ought not to forsake their family. We will provide our support; but, they have already reached their conclusion.
Following Lilly’s demise, they had no more justification for remaining with us. They experience a sense of alienation due to the absence of someone to safeguard. They sought my consent to operate independently, which I consider the optimal choice. “I permitted their departure,” Lucas remarked, sipping his beverage.
He permanently released them and escorted them to the airport. Diana had left some possessions in the packhouse and returned in her own vehicle to retrieve them, unbeknownst to the brothers.
I fully concur with you. If they desire to leave, we will not detain them as captives. “Do not linger on it excessively,” Jason and his brother toasted with their beverage bottles. Lucas acknowledged with a nod. He was well aware that Jason would concur with him.
The two brothers frequently shared same thoughts. Nevertheless, the choice ought to have been made collaboratively by the brothers. Due to Jason’s absence, Lucas was compelled to make the announcements. He deemed it inappropriate.
The four guys had been savouring the supplies David had acquired for some time. Lucas abruptly detected a notably feminine scent that seems to envelop his brother. “Did you unintentionally apply women’s perfume?” Lucas chuckled softly as he took a sip. David erupted in laughter at this unforeseen jest.
“It is not perfume.” “That is the scent of the female Jason selected as his mate,” Leo explained. Lucas’s drink became lodged in his throat, prompting him to expel it in astonishment.
“What?” His strikingly big green eyes glared at his sibling.
“Indeed,” Leo chuckled upon observing David’s silly demeanour. His beer bottle had fallen from his grasp in astonishment.
“Do not jest with me, you scoundrel!” David struck the loquacious Beta.
“Damn!” That was painful! I am not jesting! Leo clenched his teeth and retaliated with a fist. Lucas admonished the two for their juvenile altercations.
“Who is she?” Lucas enquired of Jason. His sibling ultimately approached a female and selected a mate without his awareness. He need every detail regarding this female.
“She is the daughter of Alpha Carter,” Leo responded, observing that the Alpha was preoccupied with his beer.
“What?” David was astonished. His gaze oscillated between the two Alpha brothers.
Jason and Lucas shared a brief gaze before Lucas erupted in laughter. “That is unfeasible,” Lucas exclaimed while reclining on the filthy ground with his beer bottle, erupting in laughter.
What renders it unfeasible? The female has already entered the packhouse. “If you doubt my assertion, simply enquire with Jason,” Leo was bewildered by his conduct. Indeed, that was challenging to accept, yet it occurred. Nevertheless, Jason continued to remain mute.
“She is not our Luna,” Lucas stated as he rose from the ground.
What is your meaning? David and Leo enquired jointly. Lucas clinked his beer bottle against Jason’s without replying.
“She is my surrogate,” Jason stated, as both brothers took a substantial gulp, astonishing both the Beta and the Gamma.
“A surrogate?” They both exclaimed, virtually shouting it. She was a surrogate instead of a partner? Since when did that commence among werewolves?
Leo, initially astonished, was now endeavouring to decipher the puzzle. He was fully aware of what Jason had communicated to Talia privately in that room. He had brought her here as a surrogate, not as his selected partner or Luna.