“Aahhh!” Her brother’s excruciating scream caused her to become immobilised. What transpired? Upon turning around, Talia observed that Jason had plunged a huge knife into the palm of Tony’s hand. Jason inflicted a laceration along Tony’s arm with the blade. Luna Mabel screamed in a vain effort to prevent Jason from inflicting additional agony on her son.
“I implore you, desist!” Talia hurried to seize Jason’s hand before he could stab her brother’s throat. Upon feeling her touch, his dark green eyes redirected their look towards her. She trembled with fear; her body was icy, and tears gathered in her eyes. She cherished her family and would be unable to survive without them. Her aspiration to rescue them unsettled and vexed him. Talia observed that he relinquished his grip on her brother despite his evident annoyance.
“Consider carefully before speaking!” Jason growled as he trod on Tony’s wounded hand. He emitted a high-pitched scream, expressing intense anguish. Talia swiftly grasped Jason’s hand, guiding him up the stairs to a chamber before the men of her family could commit another error. Lena trailed her, assuming a position near the summit of the stairs.
“I will remain here for the duration.” Father and Tony will presume that I am with you. They are unable to come here to assess our situation as they are prisoners. Lena urged in hushed tones, “Expedite the conversation,” but the man beside them had overheard the entire exchange. Lena said to her sister after observing Jason.
Lena emphatically advised Jason not to secure the door from within and to call for help should any incident occur, implicitly cautioning him against any nefarious intentions towards her sister. Upon hearing Lena’s remarks, Talia acquiesced, avoiding a glance at Jason’s expression. Was he offended? He would not inflict harm on her sister like he did with Tony, would he?
They possessed three rooms on the second floor. Liam’s room was the initial one. She did not even glance at the door. Despite it being her turn, Talia accompanied Jason to the central room. She closed the door once they entered the room. Upon surveying the somewhat sized chamber, Jason discerned that it belonged to Lena. The aroma of Talia was absent from the room. What was the reason for her bringing him to her sister’s room? Talia confronted the Alpha, who had inexplicably stayed silent throughout the perpetration of such extreme brutality.
“What is the issue?” She queried, apprehensive that he had not overlooked Lena’s remarks. Was he intending to harm her? She directed her attention to his eyes, only to realise that she was still grasping his hand. “I apologize,” she stated as she retracted her hand from his.
She had been grasping his hand while ascending the steps, which was somewhat mortifying. Jason noticed a flush on her cheeks, which she promptly attempted to hide upon recalling the reason for her presence with him. However, she was uncertain about how to commence.
“What topic did you wish to discuss?” Jason initiated the dialogue.
My mother previously conveyed to me the rationale for your assault on our group. I regret to learn about your relative. I am incredulous that my brother perpetrated such an egregious offence. “I express my sincere apologies on behalf of my family and my entire pack for his actions,” she said, bowing her head in humility as she addressed him. Jason ultimately obtained his inaugural apology from the Sardinia Moon Pack.
He was astonished that it originated from the youngest member of the Alpha family. The adults of this family merely needed to speak, providing him with another justification to execute them in the most excruciating manner imaginable. Talia, conversely, was candid and mortified.
“If you think that your singular apology will spare your family, you are mistaken.” Jason questioned whether she had misinterpreted his willingness to converse with her. He had stopped believing in women. She may have been manipulating him all along, solely due to her innocent appearance.
“I understand,” she remarked with a trace of anxiety, gazing at the worn, frayed slippers adorning her feet.
If you are aware, then this discourse is futile. “You expect me to relinquish your family, but I refuse to do so,” Jason declared, pivoting to confront the door in order to leave the room.
“Have you not exacted your retribution?” Talia enquired. She was apprehensive that he might exit the room. Jason confronted the apprehensive woman. You have already murdered Liam. He perpetrated the r**e and murder of your cousin. He ought to be the individual who faces the repercussions of his misconduct.
You have already exacted your revenge. What is the reason?She paused when she sensed her emotions constraining her and thought they had made her vulnerable. “Do not harm my family.” “Please…” she concluded her statement while he scrutinised her visage as if attempting to decipher her thoughts.
He had observed tears in her eyes moments earlier, which she may have employed to exert emotional control over him, but he could no longer perceive them. He had always believed that a woman’s weapon was her tears, which Opora had employed to elicit his sympathy; nevertheless, this woman was endeavouring to sway Jason’s opinions with her words. “You are entirely accurate.”
“Your retribution was fulfilled with Liam’s demise.” Jason reclined against the wall, his hands inserted into his pockets. His posture rendered him even more attractive, elongating his legs. Talia harboured hope in her heart, as per his assertion.
He comprehended her message! Their hostility ceased after Liam’s demise. He would cease to inflict damage onto her family! “Nevertheless, circumstances operate differently in our reality,”
What do you specifically mean?“ She inquired.” Jason regarded her pallid visage with disdain. He had just shattered her aspirations.