It is absurd for her to perish in this manner after all she has endured.
Molly shut her eyes and sensed the encroaching darkness. She deemed it preferable to the alternatives of s****l assault or fatal violence. At the very least, she could retain a fragment of her dignity, which she hoped would accompany her into the afterlife. By the time her body was discovered, she would be reduced to mere ice—so frigid that she would fracture like glass if handled.
The resonance of his deep voice resonated in her consciousness. She envisioned his handsome visage behind her closed eyelids. He appeared not to harbour anger towards her, as was customary, but rather exuded a sense of tranquilly. She then recalled the reason for her departure from her room: their altercation. She contemplated the potential outcome had she acquiesced to assist him. Would she be in this position now?
Undoubtedly, she would have been displeased with herself for consenting to assume a role that was not authentic to her identity.
Molly!The voice summoned once more, resonating more intensely in her mind, as though he were beside her. She contemplated whether he recognised her absence or if he would be concerned this time. Countless occasions had seen him assist her, despite her persistent resistance. She felt unworthy of assistance from anyone, particularly him.
Molly opened her eyes and perceived a dark silhouette in the fog. A substantial figure extended his arm before him, shielding his eyes from the harsh snow that sought to overwhelm him. He moved with an imposing presence, and she was convinced she was hallucinating. Such occurrences were common when one was near death—envisioning realities she longed to be true.
She perceived her name distinctly amidst the cacophony. How was it possible for her to hear him so clearly when she could not even hear her own voice?
Jayce lowered his arm upon seeing her. His face flushed and his eyes narrowed, as if he struggled to keep them open to gaze at her. “Molly!”He shouted once more. Jayce knelt beside her and cleared the snow from her body before cradling her in his arms. He lifted her effortlessly, and she was unable to bend her arms sufficiently to grasp him. Her legs hung limply over his arms as he held her securely against his chest while surveying the surroundings.
“We must seek shelter; the most severe part of the storm is yet to arrive,” he exclaimed near her ear. Molly trembled at his warm breath. He appeared largely unaffected by the snow. As the snow assaulted her eyes and threatened to obscure her sight, Molly shut her eyes once more.
He grasped her tightly as he navigated the uneven snow. She concentrated on his laboured breathing, attempting to distract herself from the turmoil within. “I believe there may be a location nearby,” he declared loudly, seemingly to keep her alert.
Molly remained with her eyes closed, uncertain of the duration that had elapsed until the sounds abruptly ceased, as if the air had been suffocated. Upon opening her eyes, she perceived only darkness. She attempted to articulate, but no sound emerged.
Jayce reclined her. “I will ignite a fire-” Molly could not discern any further words as darkness enveloped her entirely.
Warmth enveloped her face. Molly gradually opened her eyes and perceived flames illuminating her blurred vision. It took a moment for her sight to adjust, but she discerned Jayce adding logs to the burgeoning fire. His shadows danced across the surrounding walls like art. Molly blinked several times and recognised they were inside… a cave of some sort?
Molly attempted to sit upright, causing his coat to slip from her shoulders. She reached for it, but her numbed fingers failed to secure a proper grip. Jayce raised his head to observe her. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he appeared to be perspiring from the fire. She had never experienced such envy towards another’s warmth. How was this conceivable?
Remain motionless. “You are not sufficiently warm yet,” Jayce stated imperatively. This only incited Molly’s desire to defy him and sit up regardless. He exhaled in frustration, discarded the remaining logs, and approached her. “Are you aware of the duration it took to locate you?” “You are immobilised.”
Molly undoubtedly resembled a defrosting turkey. Her teeth clattered as she opened her mouth to speak. “W-where are we?”
“A remote cave,” Jayce remarked as he settled beside her. Molly trembled and attempted to adjust his coat higher on her shoulders. He drew her nearer, providing a modicum of warmth, yet she could scarcely perceive his body against hers. “How did you venture so far out here?”
“I am uncertain; I merely continued walking and recognised that I was disoriented,” Molly lamented. Each minor movement inflicted pain, resembling internal burns, and she comprehended that she had never genuinely experienced cold until this moment. Despite the fire crackling before her, she felt utterly frozen.
Jayce encircled her petite form, and Molly reclined against him. He felt rigid, as though he was reluctant to provide warmth, yet compelled to do so to prevent her from perishing. It was a somewhat pleasant notion, despite a part of him harbouring enduring disdain for her.
What method did you employ to locate me?”Molly enquired with a slight quiver in her voice.”