They proceeded in silence towards the horse. The streets were desolate and silent; she envisioned that everyone was already slumbering comfortably in their own beds. She yearned for safety and comfort rather than being present in this situation. He remained silent as he hoisted her onto the horse and mounted himself. She sensed a tempest was forming in his thoughts and could not help but contemplate whether he harboured a new suspicion regarding Colton.
They rode back swiftly and vigorously, despite the increasing wind. A portion of Molly was apprehensive about an impending storm, whereas Jayce behaved as if a tempest were already present. He did not halt until they returned to the camp in record time. Her thoughts momentarily speculated whether Beckham had already disposed of the body and was returning as well.
He guided the horse into the stables and dismounted before assisting her down. He scarcely glanced at her, merely turned and proceeded into the snow.
Towards Colton’s cabin.
Molly promptly pursued, despite her awareness that she could never intervene in their conflict. “Do you genuinely believe he ordered your assassination?” Molly enquired, addressing his back.
He pivoted, and she halted abruptly. His countenance was consumed by a fury that instilled a deep chill within her, prompting a desire to retract her words.
“Do not attempt to justify him to me, Molly. You are unaware of his identity or the extent of his peril.” Jayce stated, each word nearly causing her to recoil. “You may be foolish enough to trust every benevolent individual, but I am not.”
He pivoted without uttering another word, yet Colton was already positioned there with his hands clasped behind his back. It was devoid of other villagers who had presumably already retired for the night. Otherwise, she was aware they would have relished witnessing this scenario unfold.
“Do not underestimate Molly’s intelligence, prince.”
Jayce’s jaw tightened. “She does not belong to you in any capacity.”
Colton smiled at Molly over Jayce’s shoulder and gave a shrug that conveyed, can you believe this individual?
Jayce emitted a growl. “Why did you dispatch your men to assassinate me? I believed you professed peace in this territory.”
Colton appeared astonished by his remarks. His eyebrows knitted in perplexity. “Are you referring to the incident when your pack assaulted ours?”
“No, I am referring to Life Pharmacy.” Jayce’s hands balled into fists at his sides.
“I presume your minor scheme was successful,” Colton remarked with a nod. “I am curious as to why you believe I would endorse it if I had any association with the individual you pursued.”
“You own Life Pharmacy.” Jayce extended his fingers and then clenched them once more.
“That may be true, but I did not issue a bounty on your life, even when you ravaged several of my villages in search of your companion.” Colton brushed a speck of dirt from his suit. “Whoever undertook such action did not receive my approval—an endorsement I would have only considered under circumstances of self-defence.”
“Who would have taken it upon themselves to pursue Jayce?” Molly enquired. She eyed Jayce as she stepped up. “Upon our arrival, a decoy carriage was dismantled immediately after it traversed the north. It is possible that the same individuals were responsible.”
Colton appeared contemplative. “It is possible. I was unaware of your arrival in the north until your presence was noted. Is there anyone from the castle who may have disclosed information to an individual at Life Pharmacy?”
Jayce and Molly exchanged a brief glance but remained silent. Colton merely smiled. “Everyone harbours secrets. However, it may be imprudent to maintain numerous ones when your life is endangered. Nevertheless, I am eager to uncover who is plotting against me. The assassination of a prince could incite a war in our territory, a consequence I would never jeopardise.”
“I wouldn’t be overly concerned about a war. My family is not renowned for their affection towards me,” Jayce remarked bitterly as he passed Colton.
“Consider your thoughts, prince, but I am aware that even the slightest affront can lead to the downfall of a kingdom.” Colton observed Jayce through the snow. “Consider this,” Jayce reduced his pace. “I arranged a meeting for both of you to visit the pharmacy as ordinary patrons. You may be able to obtain some information if they do not identify you.”
Jayce turned around, displaying a countenance of irritation. “How do you conclude that individuals would fail to recognise me?”
Colton chuckled. “You can effortlessly remain unrecognised by individuals who have never observed you at close range. To them, you are merely a legend traversing the palace; they are oblivious to your appearance when you don the attire of one of us.”
Molly stated, “He is correct.” “In the marketplace, you garnered no attention. Your only recognition stemmed from others’ knowledge of your whereabouts.”
Jayce squinted. “What is the distance to this location?”