Gradually, she opened a squeaky drawer and placed all the contents inside. When she attempted to close it quietly, it slammed more forcefully than she had intended. Molly winced and swiftly glanced back to find Jayce gazing at her.
“Apologies, I did not intend to disturb you,” Molly stated softly. “I will be on the couch.”
Jayce reclined on the pillow and directed his gaze upward. He likely recognised he was in the incorrect room as well. “Change out of those clothes.”
Molly observed her snow-laden cloak and removed her gloves prior to changing in the bathroom. She donned a sizable jumper over her nightgown and stealthily approached the couch.
“No, approach me.” He stated, his eyes remaining shut as though he could perceive her every inhalation. Molly swallowed and positioned herself at the bed’s edge, “I believe it would be preferable for me to recline on the couch-”
How long will you remain there speaking incoherently?He interrupted. Molly moistened her lips and endeavoured to suppress thoughts of the dream in which he had lifted her nightgown to kiss what lay beneath. She extinguished the candles, plunging the room into darkness, illuminated solely by the moonlight. The bed creaked under her weight as she positioned herself at the very edge. She would never acclimatise to lying beside him, compelling her to regulate every breath she took.
Numerous cabins contained vacant beds—why was he in hers? She would not consider expelling him after all he had done for her—or even propose her own departure. He might take umbrage and lament ever permitting her to live by sacrificing some of his blood.
Jayce turned onto his side to face her with his eyes closed. She examined his handsome visage and berated herself for admiring it. Could he perceive the rapid beating of her heart? If she concentrated sufficiently, could she discern such sensations now that she possessed a wolf? Or was she not entirely attuned to that aspect of her being?
The anxious thoughts dissipated in her mind. She succumbed to sleep more rapidly than ever before.
He was already awake and attired when she eventually roused. Molly experienced a modicum of embarrassment for being the sole individual still asleep while she was expected to be awaiting him. She entered the bathroom and donned one of the new sweaters that Naomi had gifted her the previous day. Jayce was observing the gentle snowfall outside the window when she emerged.
He turned to her, his blue eyes strikingly vivid against his dark hair and the snow outside the window. “Will you walk with me?”
Molly hesitated before nodding. During their previous walk, he had violently dismantled the men who had abducted her, forcing her to witness the ordeal. She silently wished for this outing to be entirely different—merely a simple walk.
He held the door open for her, permitting her to proceed first before he joined her on the path. They chose a route that diverged from the camp, leading to a more secluded and tranquil area. Gradually, the laughter of the village diminished into the distance. She took a deep breath, appreciating the freshness of the air in this setting.
“I trust your dinner with Colton was enjoyable,” Molly remarked, clasping her cold hands together.
“It was…productive,” Jayce remarked, concealing his true emotions with his hands buried deep in his pockets. “However, there is something that preoccupies my thoughts.”
Molly looked up at him with curiosity, but he continued to gaze ahead. “Regarding Colton?”
“No,” he replied curtly. “Regarding the evening you were poisoned.” You stated that you observed three wolves that appeared incongruous.
Indeed, they emerged from the forest located behind the cabins. They approached you, and I assumed they belonged to the rogues, of whom I had simply not encountered previously.” Molly kicked a stone ahead of her and looked up at the overcast sky.
“It is peculiar,” he remarked, more to himself than to her.
“Were they not affiliated with the rogues?” I was unaware of the subsequent events that transpired after….
“They escaped before I could apprehend all of them.” “I am uncertain if there was additional information.” His speech was terse, suggesting he had already divulged more than intended. Molly exhaled slowly.
“That is peculiar; I assumed Colton would have been aware.” Molly looked at him once more, but he merely shook his head. Had no one else at the camp identified the wolves? Surely, they must have encountered them previously if they resided here.
“My guards possessed poisoned claws that night and were able to injure at least one of them.”
Molly proposed, “Oh, so they may be deceased now.”
“The sole remedies, apart from my blood, are passionflower and poppy seed, but only a specialist would possess this knowledge.”
Molly proceeded in silence, yet her thoughts were tumultuous. Could it be that the man was still alive? If so…
Molly halted and enquired of Jayce, “What is the distance to the market we intended to visit from this location?”
“Merely beyond the hills.” What is the reason?
What if… What if the man is not deceased but is unaware of a remedy? “He may become increasingly desperate as his condition deteriorates,” Molly remarked, while Jayce observed her intently. “What if you procured all the necessary ingredients from the market and arranged for a vendor to sell a half dose of the cure?” He will vociferously announce its nature to the streets, potentially attracting the individual who genuinely requires it. Alternatively, if someone within his acquaintance could inform him about it.
Jayce’s brows knitted together, and she abruptly felt foolish for having spoken at all. He likely considered her absurd. He cleared his throat and gazed at the sky, seemingly wishing to avert his eyes from her presence.