Molly endeavoured to suppress her feelings of hurt; she had no intention of joining them or anything of the sort. She averted her gaze and concentrated on the crackling flames before her. Was this the genuine reason for his desire to travel north? He informed her of his plan; she never contemplated that it would necessitate civility towards the rogues. There was an elusive concept here that she could not fully comprehend. He had withheld information from her, and she questioned whether he would disclose it.
Jayce affirmed with a nod prior to Colton’s departure.
Molly enquired, “Do you trust him?”
Jayce directed his azure gaze towards the flames, and all Molly perceived was resolve. “It will be inconsequential. He must place his trust in me.”
As soon as Jayce departed to converse with Beckham, Molly immediately seized the opportunity. She bathed and donned warm attire before venturing into the village. Individuals congregated around a fire, exchanging narratives while holding warm cups of tea and hot chocolate. Molly smiled at them, yet they averted their gaze promptly. She observed an attractive woman alone, gazing at Molly as she walked by, yet did not extend any form of greeting—only a look of curiosity.
“Molly!” Naomi exited one of the cabins and quickened her pace to reach her. Molly contemplated the woman’s age. She had to estimate her mother’s age, which was relatively young. Likely in her forties.
“Greetings, Naomi. How are you today?” Molly enquired as she reduced her pace to accompany the woman. She accompanied her to a table adorned with warm tea and cookies. She contemplated whether it was a customary practice to congregate around a warm fire daily. That sounded delightful.
Naomi scoffed and nudged her arm with her shoulder. “I ought to be enquiring about that. Has the toxin traversed your system yet?”
“Jayce informed me that it ought to have. I was in a state of slumber for several days while my body battled it. Since I arose from bed, I have experienced nothing beyond sporadic dizziness.” Molly gathered a serviette filled with confections and accompanied Naomi to a nearby bench. “I appreciate your assistance during my illness.”
“No gratitude is necessary. Your partner ensured your well-being throughout. He even prohibited our visits.” The woman rolled her eyes and sipped her tea. Male wolves exhibit extreme possessiveness towards their mates; however, he likely deserves recognition for being the most possessive individual I have ever encountered.
Molly experienced a flush across her entire face. “Oh no, no.” He is a prince, not my romantic partner. I am employed by him at the castle. I embarked on this journey solely to assist him in the capacity of a servant.
Naomi arched her eyebrows, incredulous at Molly’s attempt to fabricate an excuse. “I am earnest; there is nothing between us,” Molly persisted. Her prolonged silence exacerbated her anxiety.
No? Naomi remarked, “I doubt my husband would have waited for me in that manner when he was alive.” Molly frowned and attempted to respond, but Naomi raised her hand to silence her. “It occurred a long time ago; do not concern yourself.” Nevertheless. No man I am acquainted with would remain by your side day and night unless he harboured affection for you.
Molly gazed at her as though she were deranged. A laugh threatened to escape her throat, but she suppressed it. Prince Jayce? In love with her? It was utterly preposterous to entertain such a notion. “That’s absurd—”
“You were unconscious when you did not see him.” He resembled a deranged individual, fervently wishing for your improvement. He dined beside you and slumbered in that chair for several days. All observed the significance you hold for him.
Molly shifted uneasily. “I assure you that he does not harbour romantic feelings for me.” I am merely a servant to him. He dislikes losing items he believes are his.
Naomi reclined slightly, as if to gain a broader perspective of Molly. “Do you believe he considers you unworthy?”
“No, I am certain that he does not love me.” He has a woman at the castle. “She is the reason for our presence here.” Molly tucked her hair behind her ear and abruptly regretted leaving her cabin. Was it too late to return and conceal herself?
“You are the most beautiful girl to have ever graced this village; do not allow a man to diminish your worth,” Naomi asserted with an elevated chin. Molly exhaled deeply.
I value your compliments; however, I believe you have misunderstood my intentions. Prince Jayce has a woman awaiting him at the palace, and he does not possess the feelings for me that you believe he does. He is merely… an exemplary prince.
Naomi shook her head. “I am not the one who is blind.” “Accompany me,” Naomi abruptly rose and began to distance herself from the crowd. Molly promptly stood and trailed behind her.