“I am aware.” I am aware. However, I request an opportunity to demonstrate it to you. Let us initiate a fresh commencement.
“I am already providing you with an opportunity, Spencer.” I am already providing it.
“I appreciate it!” Could you provide me with this day? “I desire for us to visit a location that accommodates just the two of us,” he enquired.
“To what destination are we proceeding?”I enquired. I experience internal excitement.
“Do you observe?” “I informed you that he is making an effort,” Rylee stated.
Indeed, you are correct. Now vacate my mind.
“Wretched woman!”Rylee.
I nearly laughed at what she referred to her as. My wolf is truly remarkable. Her speech resembles that of a human.
“In my concealed location,” he responded.
“Confidential location?” What is the location of that? Are you jesting at this moment? Because if you are, I will—-”
I did not complete my sentence. Spencer grasped me and kissed me. I was not anticipating that, nor did I foresee my own enjoyment of it. Before I could reply, he withdrew.
“That is the reason it is referred to as a secret.” Only I am aware of it.
“Is that acceptable?” However, could you first take a nap and then shower? “You emit an unpleasant odour,” I stated.
“Oh!” I apologise. I observed you throughout the entire week. Asher is exceedingly anxious and concerned about you and Rylee. “He does not wish for me to depart from your side,” Spencer elucidated.
“Are you present solely due to Asher?””
“Certainly not!”He declared.
“I comprehend.” At what time are we departing?I enquired. I am exerting considerable effort to regulate my enthusiasm.
“Subsequent to lunch.” We must allow the doctor to examine you, and I require a minimum of two hours of sleep and a bath, as I wish to avoid any complaints regarding my odour. Subsequently, we consume lunch and depart.
“Understood.” Until then.
“I have already established a mind link with the doctor to examine you.” Remain here while she arrives. I shall depart now. “See you later.” He kissed my forehead before departing.
I was astonished. He engaged in that activity during our childhood. That is one of numerous activities I appreciate him performing for me in the past.
I was in that condition when the doctor arrived to examine me. She is a friend of my mother.
“Luna, how do you feel at this moment?”“Amelia inquired.”
I am well now, Amelia. What is your current state? How are your daughter Hallie and Uncle Leonard?I enquired.
“They are performing adequately.” Hallie is occupied with her studies, and Uncle Leonard is engaged with the packing business. “He is responsible for managing certain aspects of our business beyond the pack,” Amelia responded.
He remained unchanged. I remarked, “He is perpetually occupied, much like yourself.”
She completed her examination of me, and we are currently engaged in conversation. She reprimanded me for departing without informing her. She is the individual who cared for me and Callum. I provided her with a comprehensive explanation prior to her departure for an emergency involving another patient.
She advised me to refrain from breaking the necks of individuals in this vicinity. I am causing her difficulty in relocating and recovering. I laugh so intensely that I nearly lose track of time.
Excrement! I must also prepare. I also require a bath. I am uncertain of Spencer’s intentions, but I must make preparations.
When I remarked that Callie appears beautiful, I genuinely did not anticipate that she could surpass that impression. As I observed her seated beside me, everyone else was equally astonished by her appearance. She represents the quintessence of beauty. She donned a baby pink dress that accentuated her every curve.
Everyone at the table is in awe of her beauty. This is the first occasion on which I observed her wearing a dress. She adorned herself elaborately during our childhood, resembling a princess at that time. Consequently, Callum and I accompany her to prevent anyone from exploiting her naivety.
“Callie, why are you dressed like that?”Zayn enquired.
I observe him, directing his enquiries towards my companion, yet he disregards me.
Spencer and I are departing today. “We must attend an important event,” Callie replied.
I observe her.
Participate in a significant event? “You sound as if we are engaged in a business meeting rather than embarking on a date,” I conveyed to her via mind link. We have yet to perform the bonding ritual to unite with my pack. I have already designated her and her wolf. We are able to communicate now.
I was unaware that it was a date, and I do not wish for Zayn to form any assumptions at this moment. “I have not discussed my pack status with them,” she replied.
I prefer not to express dissatisfaction at this moment to avoid disrupting the atmosphere. I need to be in her favour.
“I comprehend.” This is the first occasion I have observed you attired in that manner. “You are exquisite,” Zayn continued to commend my friend.
Callie smiled as a result. I wish to expel him from my group, but I must exercise patience. They will complete their mission here shortly. They have only one week remaining.
“You have one week to ensure our companion remains.” Asher stated.
I am aware! “Do not exert pressure on me,” I replied.
Callie and I bid farewell after we completed our lunch. I instructed Callum to supervise the pack for the entire day. He extends his wishes for my success.