Greetings, Callie! Would you like to know how I caused Spencer to become aroused?Kaia stated while shifting laterally in front of me.
Rylee and I were astonished by her enquiries. We did not anticipate her to raise that topic. I am aware that everyone has heard her remarks, and I sense my team’s growing apprehension regarding my subsequent actions. The pack members also express their disapproval of her remarks.
“Kaia, I assured Zayn that I would not terminate your life.” However, I believe my wolf disagrees with that. Refrain from provoking her. I cautioned her, “She exceeds your imagination.”
I became distracted by Jasmine, and she struck me on the back. I fell to the ground but rose again. My patience is currently jeopardised.
Allow me to assume control. “I desire to dismember her. I must not allow her to assert dominance, yet I have permitted it.” I permit Callie to act according to her desires. Let us observe the capabilities of this individual.
“Kaia,” Rylee stated once she regained composure. “At last, we reconvene.”
“Ah, the wolf has emerged.” Would you like me to persist in providing you with information?Kaia.
“I desire you to persist and captivate me with your eloquent and informative language,” Rylee responded.
Several members of the pack retreat. Rylee’s tone of voice is exceedingly calm, yet it evokes chills in others.
“Are you aware that my body is compatible with his?” He possesses the most exquisite voice I have ever heard when he calls my name just before entering me.” Kaia chuckles at her reflections.
“This is her strategy: to incite our anger and impair our judgement,” I remarked to Rylee.
Jasmine ambushed us from behind, but Rylee remained motionless, turning around to grasp her neck and twist it. Everyone gasped in astonishment.
“Do not be concerned; she is not deceased yet.” I desire for her to cease interrupting me. Rylee hurled Jasmine’s body towards Zayn. “Request that someone deliver that p to our physician,” Rylee stated after turning to face Kaia once more.
The three individuals I fought earlier have risen and are attacking us once more, but this time Rylee confronts them. She moves swiftly and strikes them in the face. She seizes them individually and twists their necks, as she did with Jasmine. Certain pack members acquire them and forward them to the pack physicians.
“You are mistaken for compelling me to emerge, Kaia.” In contrast to Callie, I lack both patience and mercy towards my adversary. Your team is fortunate, as I have permitted them to survive. However, I believe I am entirely disinclined to permit your continued existence. You have been a source of considerable annoyance for several years. I witnessed your actions towards Callie and how you engaged in s****l relations with my friend on multiple occasions. “Your existence will perpetually drive me to madness, so to conserve time, I shall terminate you now,” Rylee stated.
“Rylee, compose yourself; she is merely provoking your anger,” Zayn communicated via our connection.
“Leave my thoughts, Zayn, or I assure you, I will cause you distress,” Rylee cautioned Zayn.
“I will terminate you, and I assure you, you shall never witness the sun again.”
“However, I have previously observed the sun beneath Spencer’s arms.” Kaia continued to tease us.
That is sufficient! “Eliminate her,” I instructed Rylee.
“However, I have previously witnessed the sun beneath Spencer’s arms.” Kaia continued to jest with us.
That is sufficient! “Eliminate her,” I instructed Rylee.
Kaia metamorphosed into her brown wolf before me. Rylee promptly transitioned as well. All become silent upon witnessing the whiteness of my wolf. This marks the inaugural occasion on which they beheld my wolf, as well as the first instance in the annals of Moon Crescent that the pure white wolf of the Legend revealed herself to them. Despite our training efforts, I did not change my position. I consistently contend with human form. Mark advised us to refrain from shifting to ensure that my identity remains undisclosed.
“She is the fabled white wolf that our elders have been recounting.” remarked several warriors in our vicinity.
“I find it hard to believe that it is true,” the other one remarked.
I glance at Kaia, but she begins to flee. “You are not permitted to leave, harlot!”’
I hasten to pursue her, but Enzo, Lea, Aden, Zayn, and Xander obstruct my path. They obstructed my path.
“Remove yourselves from my path, or I shall eliminate you all!”Everyone appeared astonished upon hearing my voice in their minds. I have yet to participate in the bonding ritual with Spencer to become fully integrated into this pack. All individuals regard me as if they are uncertain of how to respond. This is one of my strengths. I can communicate with anyone, regardless of my affiliation with their group.
“Rylee, please refrain from proceeding with this.” “You will face consequences if you take her life,” Lea stated.
“Then impose punishment upon me; no one can impede my actions,” I responded via the link.
Zayn stated, “Cease this immediately, or I will contact Alpha Mark if you persist in attempting to kill that girl.”
“Proceed with it!” “I challenge you to prevent me, Zayn.” Rylee’s tone has now changed. Her malevolent nature is now manifesting.
We ceased our progress when we observed Kaia standing next to Spencer.
Rylee howled in fury and anguish. The sky began to darken, and the Moon was visible even at three in the afternoon.
I shove Zayn and the others aside and sprint towards Kaia and Spencer.
Spencer appeared surprised and greeted me.
“Rylee?” What is occurring? What causes me to perceive your anger?Spencer enquired with a tone of concern.
“Callie?” What is the issue?Callum stands beside Spencer, appearing apprehensive as well.
“MOVE ASIDE!” I WILL ELIMINATE ALL OF YOU IF YOU CONTINUE TO INTERFERE WITH ME REPEATEDLY!Rylee exclaimed to the collective consciousness. Callum appeared astonished upon hearing Rylee’s voice in his mind.
Spencer is approaching me when Kaia grasped him and drew him beside her.
“She is going to murder me, Alpha.” Kindly prevent her from causing my demise. “Rescue me from that creature,” Kaia stated.