How can I accomplish that when each time I encounter him, I recall his actions towards me? I continue to experience the pain he inflicts upon me.
“It is due to your continued attachment to the pain he inflicted upon you.” It obstructs all potential collaborations between the two of you.
He is also human, Callie. I am not expressing this to encourage you to assume the Luna position and remain within the pack, but rather as a friend who desires your happiness. Happiness cannot be attained through avoidance, and I am aware of your long-standing affection for Alpha Spencer. Allison engages in teasing.
I am not! What is the subject of your discussion? “I do not have a crush on him,” I stated.
Indifferent! “Now that we are here and have completed our purchases, let us indulge and unwind,” she stated, guiding me towards the massage parlour. We offer massage and body scrub services. It relaxes my body and enhances the smoothness of my skin. Subsequently, we arrived at the salon to attend to our nails and hair. We both received haircuts, but mine was styled with curls following the treatment. I observed my reflection and noted the enhancement in my appearance.
“What the hell!” You appear stunning, Callie. I believe Alpha Spencer will struggle to maintain self-control upon seeing you.
I am indifferent to him. You ought to convey that to yourself. I expressed, “I am certain my brother will also encounter difficulties.”
Allison possesses remarkable beauty. Since childhood, numerous men have courted her, but she has rejected them all.
She is conserving herself for her genuine partner. My brother is fortunate to have her as his partner.
“Let us proceed home,” Allison stated.
I continued to laugh at her jokes on the journey home when we observed Zayn standing outside the packhouse.
“Is that you, Callie?”Zayn enquired while gazing at me.
“Cease your gaze, Zayn; it is unsettling,” I remarked, acutely aware of his scrutiny.
I apologise; it is simply that I seldom observe you in formal attire. “I merely hope that I am the one accompanying you today,” Zayn stated.
“And what is your reason?” We visited the mall for a girls’ outing. Are you a girl? Allison
“Are you inciting me?” “Be grateful that you are a girl, for otherwise, I will reveal what you seek,” Zayn stated.
I was amused by their banter when I heard Callum growl. He disapproved of Zayn’s manner of speaking to his friend. He indicates to me that the dinner is prepared.
“Greetings to both of you, let us proceed indoors.” “Dinner is already prepared,” I stated, ushering them into the pack house.
They continue their staring contest at the table, while Spencer observes them with curiosity.
Cease that activity, everyone. What is your nature? A two-year-old who is contesting for toys?
“Hey, lover boy,” Allison remarked, directing her fork towards Zayn’s face. “Do not attempt to rival for the position of Callie’s best friend.” I possess extensive knowledge about her. Allison angrily remarked to Zayn, “We have been together for eighteen years, whereas you two have only been together for two.”
What is the significance? We share a bed, bathe together, and embrace one another. Zayn stated publicly, “We are together nearly every day.”
I nearly asphyxiated on the food I was consuming. I seize my glass of water and consume it directly. I can perceive Spencer’s emotions due to our connection. He is becoming angry about what he heard. My intuition urges me to touch him, yet I resist the impulse. I must exercise self-control, despite Rylee’s incessant shouting in my mind.
Proceed, companion! Elucidate!Rylee continues to shout at me, but I disregard her.
“Is that so?” Your knowledge of her is limited to her physical attributes. However, I have known her since childhood. Since she discovered that Spencer is male and learnt the concept of infatuation, she began composing love letters for him but lacked the courage to present them. Are you aware that she consistently comments on Alpha Spencer’s handsomeness when he is wearing a training shirt? Ouch!”
I struck Allison’s feet beneath the table. She is expressing numerous statements in the presence of many individuals, particularly in front of Spencer. This is exceedingly embarrassing.
Allison gazes at me with an apologetic expression upon realising her actions. I am determined to eliminate her later.
Therefore, Do you have romantic feelings for me?Spencer enquired.
One can observe the extent of happiness reflected on his face.
That occurred previously. It has long since departed. I stated.
Indeed?He persistently taunts me.
Indeed. I can sense my face is currently flushed.
“Because she currently has affection for me,” Zayn stated, rescuing me from complete humiliation.
“Thank you, Zayn.” I communicated with him via mind link.
I perceived a subdued growl emanating from Spencer.
I appreciate your facial features!Allison exclaimed. She has yet to overcome the competition regarding her best friend.