What transpired? Why had his sibling suddenly manifested in his room? Upon seizing his phone, he observed that it was 5 a.m. Was his brother mentally unstable? What was the reason for his requirement to utilise the bathroom? Lucas obtained all the information he required ten seconds later upon hearing the shower running, accompanied by Jason’s groan. Lucas’s intellect rapidly deduced all the elements. He starting laughing. The allure of the beauty in Jason’s bed had aroused him. She stimulated him, causing him to struggle for climax.
The young woman achieved in a few hours what numerous experienced prostitutes could not accomplish. Talia would have undoubtedly heard his groans and recognised that he was masturbating, hence Jason had no alternative but to proceed to Lucas’s room.
“I surmise that experiencing morning erections is quite vexing,” Jason overheard his brother remark. He had been revelling in his frustration!
“Silence!” Jason growled from the toilet, prompting Lucas to laugh even more uproariously. As anticipated, the manual stimulation was challenging while his thoughts were consumed by tight orifices.
Lucas chose to rise from bed as he lacked the inclination to continue sleeping following the delightful awakening and unforeseen meeting. He was aware that Jason’s business would not conclude for another thirty minutes, so he decided to run about the pack house.
Talia took a cold shower upon realising she had the scent of Jason. It was not merely that they had occupied the same bed. When she woke up, he wasn’t lying next to her, but she smelt just like him.
“Excrement!” She concealed her face in mortification as the realisation struck her. Her sleeping habits were poor; she may have rolled onto his side of the bed or engaged in some unforeseen behaviour. She opted not to sleep last night, merely closing her eyes, nevertheless she succumbed to slumber.
She began tugging at her hair in embarrassment, but soon ceased, having determined that she may be erroneous. Had she provoked him or turned towards his side of the bed during the night, Jason would have delivered a barrage of taunts this morning. He would hardly have simply disappeared without a trace.
Upon completing her attire for the day, Talia encountered Jessica and an attractive unfamiliar woman awaiting her presence.
“Salutations!” Jessica bestowed a radiant smile upon Talia.
“Good morning,” Talia reciprocated the grin, still perplexed by the new female, who gazed at her with admiration.
“Indeed, the Luna is truly exquisite and youthful, as you mentioned!” The auburn-haired woman exclaimed. Talia smiled awkwardly at the commendation, uncertain of how to react to the stranger’s comment. Jessica prodded the woman in the side, startling her from her reverie.
“I neglected to introduce myself to Luna.” “I am the Gamma female, Lena,” she stated, bowing her grey eyes and head in deference. She visited her mother’s pack but opted to return early upon learning from Jessica about the arrival of the new Luna.
“Oh, please, formalities are unnecessary with me.” Similar to Jessica, you are my companion. “Kindly refrain from unnecessary bowing and address me as Talia,” she remarked with a radiant smile directed at the Gamma female.
“Certainly!” I am eager to establish a friendship with you! Lena’s eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. Talia laughed, but then she observed the women exchanging glances.
“Is there an issue?”
“It appears you enjoyed a splendid evening,” Jessica remarked with a smile.
“What?” Talia regarded them with a perplexed expression.
“You emit an aroma reminiscent of the Alpha.” How was your evening with him? Lena’s malevolent smile reached her grey eyes. Talia was astonished. What thoughts occupied the minds of these she-wolves?
“No interaction occurred between us!” Talia’s visage reddened.
“Do not exhibit timidity!” Jessica implored as Lena maintained her smile. How could the Alpha permit the Luna to depart in this manner? Talia wearily shook her head while observing the two women giggle and fantasise. Subsequently, her attention was captivated by a bag that Jessica had been transporting.
“What is this?”
“These garments are for you,” Jessica presented a beautiful new dress to Talia. They arrived in her room to present it.
“What is the purpose of this?” Talia was perplexed, stating, “I have already donned a clean outfit.”
“It is the directive of the Alpha.” Alpha Jason directed me to provide you with a dress for you to change into some time ago. I currently possess a substantial pregnant abdomen. My garments will be excessively large for you, but Lena’s attire should be suitable for your size,” Jessica elucidated.
“However, I cannot acquiesce to this.”
“Talia, kindly do not decline it.” Lena expressed her excitement in sharing her belongings with Talia, handing her the dress. The dress was an expensive, fragile, and elegant white knee-length garment.
“The Alpha likely desires to display his Luna to the remainder of the pack,” Jessica jested to Talia. The young woman blinked several times. She had to confront the Sothis Star Pack today. Talia received the dress composedly, understanding the rationale behind Jason’s gift. Her attire was unsuitable for a Luna.
Her influence caused individuals to deride him covertly. Given her treatment by the pack, she recognised it as a possibility. She refrained from humiliating him before his pack members, hence she acquiesced to this attire.
“Do you appreciate the dress?” Lena enquired with curiosity.
“Indeed, it is exquisite.” Talia candidly expressed her preference for white, black, and red.
“That is excellent.” “You will have numerous options when we go shopping,” Lena stated.
“Are we going shopping?”